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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

6.27.12 Mini-Session at La Bocana

Chamba and I woke up.  I checked the board I'd left down here, a Joel Parkinson DHD I brought down here in 2002, and it had some nasty tail dings.  Oh well, I guess it'll have to go to the ding repair shop AFTER the session.  We parked on a street close to the break.  We walked out and the waves looked good.  I was excited to get out there.

While paddling out, we got stared down A LOT by a few of the guys who were out.  Chamba remarked that these guys were all capitalinos (from San Salvador) and they think they own the place.  Once they knew it was Chamba, they turned friendly. Chamba says they know that he can have them barred at places like Punta Roca and that's why they're nice to him.  They act like they own that place.  We saw them wave three guys who were getting ready to paddle out away by whistling "La Vieja", a famous, three-note Salvadorean whistle melody.

The waves weren't perfect, but they were great for California standards.  Waves would jack up and peel down the line, though the tide was a bit high.  You want that here, as the place is extremely dangerous at low tide.

My first wave was a quick left that shut down on me, so I pulled through.

My second wave was quite a bit better. I pumped and went for a roundhouse cutty and smacked the wash, though a bit feebly.  I pulled around and kicked out before the closeout.

Chamba was telling me we should take advantage of the lack of crowd at Punta Roca.  There's a big contest that starts July 1st and the place will soon be crawling with pro surfers.  I said, "Let's go there now".

My third wave was awesome.  I stuck close to the pocket and the lip hit me on the top of the head.  I could have gotten barreled!  I pumped around the corner and hit the wave well.  Then I went in.

Chamba and I got in the car and drove to La Punta.

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