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Thursday, March 6, 2014

3.4.14 Quick Mish to S. Jetty

S. Jetty is special to me.  It is the site of one of my greatest sessions of all time: July 4th 2007.  Missed-It-Mike made the trek up here after I swore to him it would be good.  Mike and I surfed our brains out for two-plus hours and we were all alone.  The lines, especially on the lefts, were solid and held a nice steep wall.  These were absolutely perfect for smacking.  It felt like I was surfing a mirror image of Lowers and without the crowd.

Today's S. Jetty session was nowhere near this one.  I rode my beach cruiser down to Pier for a quick check. It was riding away from there I realized I hadn't put my bike lock back on the frame (I'd taken it off to do some painting). I cursed my mistake and briefly thought about returning home for it, but I was on such a limited window that I was going to have to chance it if I was to surf.

Today would be an experimental session for me.  I decided I didn't want to be riding a 5'4" with a thruster set-up but only a small trailer fin.  Unfortunately, I couldn't remove the small fin.  I was afraid if I exerted any more force I would hurt the board.  So I did the next best thing:  I left all three fins as they were, and added two more!

After much deliberation as to where to surf, including riding all the way to Harbor's boat entrance, I decided S. Jetty looked the least awful.  I didn't want to leave my bike near the parking area where someone could lift it up and put it in their pick-up, so I rode it onto the sand and leaned against a rock.

I only had forty minutes before I was due back at the pad, so I tried to make it count.

Most waves were of the lazy kind.  The swell was big enough so as to barely break on the outside bombie set-up, but too big for the inside to have consistently peeling waves.

I did a pretty good snap on one wave that did line up, a right that needed a few Huntington hops to rev it up.  The extra fins definitely made me commit to my line a bit more.

I caught a left, pumped a couple of times and snapped off the end section.  My fins held me well and I descended successfully.

No other memorable waves came and I rode on the beach to the north end of the Strand, then up the pier and back home.

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