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Saturday, August 31, 2019

8.31.19 First Neoprene Sesh in 1834 days at Ponto

I buried the lede...

In an EddieSurfs first, I paddled out with one of my OG Surf bros, Tim!  I started surfing with him in 1998 and here we are 21 years later, after a 12-year hiatus.

I met him at Torrey Pines High.  I'd see him wearing skater gear and asked him if he surfed.  He said no and I kept harassing him to try it.  Finally in January we went and it was one of the biggest days I've seen in California.  While it wasn't the same swell on which Taylor Knox bagged the 52-footer at Todos Santos, I was seeing what appeared to be quadruple overhead on the outside.   It was massive out, we didn't even bother trying to get to the unbroken waves, what a day on which to have a first session!

So we met at Ponto.  He acted as surf guide and assured me it would be fun within an hour or so, as the tidal surge seems to help Ponto do its thing.

It looked abysmal out there at first light, but we suited up.  I hadn't put on a wetsuit in more than five years and had to figure out my way into my old wetsuit, mostly as to where the collar section went.  I was shocked at the extra resistance 2mm of worn, five-year-old neoprene added to paddling.  On my first duckdive, I thought I smelled an ancient piss.  Was it just my imagination or could it have been a long-ago urination?

There was a seemingly neverending set hitting as we broke to what we thought was outside.  My arms shrieked in agony with the rubberbanding effect of the wetsuit but I eventually made it out thar.

I caught about four waves, and I'd say about three were quality.  Yes they were small but they had lines.  On my first wave I kicked out awkwardly and my rail banged my lower leg, luckily the meaty part, and is currently swollen.  I did a quick snap off-the-top which I almost made on the Tomo.  It felt decisive but I landed sideways unfortunately.

I caught a right and almost lost it on the bottom turn as the fins threatened to slide out on me.  I did a nice hack but got stuck and faded.

I was shocked when we went in that we'd been out for about two hours.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

8.17.19 Small, Blown-Out but Peaky D St

Quick session further abridged for your accelerated blog consumption:

I paddled out on the Tomo and caught two close-outs.  I switched boards with MC Gorgeous George, my one-time rap protegĂ©.  He was on a boogie board though.  I caught a really fun right on the boogie board and was able to stay high in the pocket which was pretty fun being that close to the water.

We got cold and went in after close to a half-hour out there.  Crowds weren't awful but there wasn't much to catch, even sitting on the blackball demarcation line.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

8.11.19 First Coldwater Sesh in almost Five Years

I knew it was going to suck so my expectations were ratcheted way down.

The fam and I were going to meet up with one of my OG surf bros Tim and his fam but they got behind and weren't able to make it at the time we were available.

We shined Moonlight in favor of Stonesteps, the site of our infamous engagement pictures.

I took the Tomo (and had to screw the fins back in from the flight up here). 

I had a couple of little drops but the highlight of the session was a slight and careful pump followed by a slight and careful bonk off the weak whitewater which I was thrilled to have completed given the conditions.

It was a trip being back and surfing in California after all this time.  My ear plugs were in and were working great, finally, with no fitting issues.